Sauna, frigidarium with ice-waterfall
Hot and natural colors steppe between yellow color tone, wood style and brilliance.

saunaThe sauna
Sauna has a long tradition. In ancient times it was considered from several religions as a purifying ritual. While you’re in there, water is gently poured on very hot stones, increasing the humidity in the room . There are important health benefits of a Finnish Sauna: Blood pressure is lowered, heart activity is increased, toxins are washed from your skin, and it is said that saunas aid in losing inches as well. The heat feels very relaxing on the muscles in your body. Finnish sauna with a temperature around 80-100 °C.



After a few minutes in the middle of Siberia mentally catapult: our frigidarium, with the waterfall of ice and a bucket of cold water, is an excellent location to stimulate circulation and give you an energy boost.



DSV10792-150x150The beneficial effect of cold on the lymphatic and circulatory systems was known already in antiquity, so much so that the area called Frigidarium was part of the classical pathway of Termae Romanae. Our ice fountain recreates in a small space, the concept of Frigidarium ensuring continuous production of ice shavings that can be applied on the body to get an immediate feeling of freshness and vitality of physical and mental health.